Programs Offered
After School Tutoring (Additional fees apply)
Arts & Crafts
Assessments (Learning & Behavioral)
Barton Reading and Spelling Program
Bible Studies
Bowling (Additional fees apply)
Christian Based Curriculum
Community Service
Daily Devotions
Field Trips
Foreign Languages
GED Prep Course
Individualized Curriculum (A.C.E.)
Local Gym Membership (Additional fees Apply)
Modification of Behavioral Issues
Online Curriculum (Optional)
Science Fair Projects
Small Group Social Skills
Team Work
Curriculum & Enrichment
Rising Stars Academy offers an individualized educational program for each student, based upon their performance level rather than their chronological age.
Our program is designed to provide a positive, supportive environment for academic, social, emotional, and spiritual growth. The curriculum we use benefits most children, including those who are gifted and children who may have learning differences.
Outside of our curriculum, Rising Stars Academy offers tutoring for reading and spelling, using the Barton Reading and Spelling Program. If your child struggles with reading comprehension or spelling, this program builds a very strong foundation for success in all areas of reading and spelling. Please visit their website to learn more www.BartonReading.com.
Our students have the ability to dual enroll at Brevard Community College.
The curriculum offered consists of two learning styles. Rising Stars Academy offers a workbook method (P.A.C.E.'s) through Accelerated Christian Education, or online learning through Alpha Omega called Ignitia. Visit their websites to learn about each program.
Some students work within both curricula. We match each student within their individual learning style, encouraging daily goals to be met.